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AIDE [Solved] WD - Tables list from database missing on analysis

Discussion dans 'Windev' créé par DirkPitt, Nov 9, 2018.

  1. DirkPitt

    DirkPitt Member

    Jan 8, 2018
    J'aime reçus:
    Hello to all

    I had a strange behaviour yesterday on my project developed with WD23.
    First, i'm using MariaDb as local database and after a migration from v22 to v23
    it seemed to be all fine, but after adding few windows to the project, i decide to
    add a new table in the database and import it in the project with the analysis connection
    as already declared.
    My surprise: the normal list of the available tables in the database is EMPTY!!!!
    Nothing is available and then i can't add it to the project automatically (despite i can do it manually)

    Did you even experiencing a similar behaviour?
    For your information i have uninstalled WD23 and then reinstalled, but nothing change.
    So, i'm thinking that something is corrupted in the registry, but i don't know where to search.

    Thank if someone can help me.

  2. DirkPitt

    DirkPitt Member

    Jan 8, 2018
    J'aime reçus:

    Problem solved!!!!

    It was depending by the "libmariadb.dll" file missing in the "..\Programs\.." folder.
    After a copy of that file, all is loaded correctly in the list of tables available in the db connection..

    charlie apprécie ceci.

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